
A career in technology: How to develop your skills

Are you a programmer and would like to grow? The Internet is full of materials on how to do this. Despite this, don’t run away – I have something that will interest you. Did you know that Adam Malysz, the legendary Polish ski jumper, was a roofer before he became a flying champion? I dare not compare myself with Mr. Adam, while there are two things we have in common.

I was also a roofer and also managed to re-brand myself. Maybe not in such a spectacular way, but still. In this article, I’ll share my personal experience on my journey from roofer to programmer to tech lead and give you tips you can apply to grow and advance and maybe even dramatically change your career.

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AHA! Let's bring back the simplicity of the Frontend

AHA! Let’s bring back the simplicity of Frontend

Have you wondered why, in this day and age, when we have access to the latest technologies and solutions, IT projects still fail? Don’t you think that we complicate our lives and work in many cases instead of simplifying it? Sometimes less is more, especially in the world of frontend! Read on to learn what an AHA stack is and how to do frontend more simply.

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AI defeat the enemy, or make friends

AI: defeat the enemy, or make friends?

Generative artificial intelligence is rapidly integrating into our digital world, sparking debates about its potential to replace humans. Content created by artificial intelligence offers value similar to human-generated content. The use of this technology can increase productivity and balance, adjusting to find harmony through focus, not just efficiency.

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A Realistic Software Engineer Day in the Life

Have you ever wondered what a real day in the life of a software engineer looks like? Or maybe you’re a programmer and imagine whether programmers work the same in every company. There are many myths about a typical day at work for an engineer. Today, I wanted to share with you what I’ve seen during my 10 years working in IT.

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Combatting Burnout IT Syndrome

Combatting Burnout IT Syndrome: Effective Strategies for Tech Professionals

Imagine this: It’s 2 AM, and you’re staring at your computer screen, wholly drained but with a project deadline looming. The constant pressure, long hours, and unending demands of the tech industry have left you overwhelmed and on the brink of burnout. Don’t despair; you’re not alone in this struggle. Burnout is a prevalent issue in the tech industry, but the good news is there are ways to tackle it.

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How to plan and use time effectively

Time Management: How to Plan and Use Time Effectively

Did you know that an average person spends 28 years of their life working? That’s almost one-third of our lives! So, effective time management is crucial to make the most of our time. In this article, I’ll share some time management tips and tricks that have worked for me, helping me plan and use my time effectively. Are you ready to achieve more in less time?

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Discover why cooperation between product owners and developers is the key to success in a startup

Discover why cooperation between product owners and developers is the key to success in a startup

The meeting of a programmer and a product owner is like a clash of worlds. Algorithms vs. business strategy, Technical tips vs. management and understanding of customers. Did you know that most IT projects fail? What if I told you that you can improve cooperation between technical and non-technical people by using slow living techniques? Read on and force your brain to think.

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Is the tech industry pace sustainable for long-term mental and physical health

Is the tech industry’s pace sustainable for long-term mental and physical health?

Technology changes so quickly that what was common a few years ago may now be obsolete (hello, jQuery). New technologies replace the old ones, and we must keep up with this pace as tech leaders and programmers. Additionally, we often increase the level of difficulty for ourselves. From Junior to Senior. And once you’re a senior, you can become a tech leader, architect, or manager. But is this healthy? Can one keep this pace for a year, two, five, or ten years?

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